So I'm still getting settled in here, our apartment is lovely with high ceilings and the most breathtaking view of Ancient Rome, it seems surreal. Today my roommates and I walked over to the Vatican and went to the sistine chapel, where not only the ceilings were beautiful, but the mosaic on the floors as well as sculptures lining the walls were astounding. Later on we went over to the Academy for a fellows birthday. The way the Academy works still confuses me some, but people who have won the Rome Prize come and stay at the Academy as fellows to complete fellowships in their specific field. Tonight at the reception I talked to a fellow writing her dissertation on Ancient Rome as well as a gentleman from Virginia staying here as a visiting scholar. The grounds and entire atmosphere is a very educated place and I love that I will be able to talk to such smart individuals on such a varied body of subjects.
It's only 8 o clock now but I think my body is yelling at me for some sleep, having woken up several times in the night and getting an early start today. Walking through Rome and up the hills and steps to our apartment have proven that I spend way too much in the kitchen and not enough in running shoes. There is a gorgeous park around the corner from our apartment which I'll take advantage of walking through until the weather gets too cold. The internet here is a bit daunting to use, but I will post photos just as soon as I can... if anyone still reads this. :-D