Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ipswich is to soft shell clam as kleenex is to tissue

Today we covered mollusks. I didn't take any pictures of the many many many rainbow trout I filleted, but that was a good practice on straight cutting and I got into a rhythm after a while. It was a quiet day, we didn't get yelled at too much since we did better on ID-ing all the fish and other facts about them. Here are some pictures from the day...

We learned about univalves:

And many bivalves:

Here is an abalone shell, inside it is where mother of pearl comes from:

And we did several raw and cooked tastings:

Clams (raw & cooked) and Mussels:

Here are some things to keep in mind next time you go to buy scallops. There are two ways scallops come packaged, dry pack or wet pack. The wet packaged one are treated with STP (sodium tri-polyphosphate), which is a preservative that adds water to the scallops and helps them retain added water. So essentially you're paying the price per pound for scallops in order to buy water. Check how they were packaged to get the best flavor and quality. Two different types of scallops we tried today:

And raw oysters:

Did you know in order for a fish to be organic it has to be farm raised? How does that even make sense? Isn't organic supposed to be how nature intended items to be? The fish must be farmed because they have to be fed certified organic food (since apparently natural food they consume in the ocean isn't organic enough).

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